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Writer's pictureGemma Wiles

Ashley Memorial Hall AGM 2024

On 27th November 2024 we held our Annual General Meeting at Ashley Memorial Hall. All elected committee members stood down and then were duly re-elected into the committee for a further 12 months.

Sadly, we didn't see many residents at the meeting this year; however, we have gained 2 new members so a very warm welcome to Hazel and Jo taking us to 9 committee members.

During the meeting we reflected on our achievements in the period of Dec 2023 to Nov 2024. Despite being a small committee giving our time on a voluntary basis we have achieved a significant amount that has supported the overall improvement of the hall benefitting both our regular and adhoc hirers.

We felt this was a good opportunity to showcase this to you, our residents.

  • Completion of all outstanding audits and governance documents ensuring the safety and security of the hall and its users.

  • Installation of an external commercial bin so hirers no longer need to take their waste home and alleviates local residents concern about rubbish being left from users.

  • Challenged the Inland Revenue for a fine received which was not applicable to us.

  • Switched energy supplier in a cost saving exercise alleviating the need to increase any hire costs at this time. We want to remain affordable and accessible to our community.

  • Heating system project. We have installed a new warm air system to help heat the hall more efficiently. The current boiler relies heavily on oil and the radiators are no longer efficient to heat the hall to a suitable temperture. This system is considerably cheaper than replacing the whole heating system and is more efficient. We may in the future replace the heating system but this will come at great cost so this is the current solution. It is remote controlled and we can set it so that its heats the room prior to users attending and can be switched off it feels disruptive as it does produce a noise.

  • The heating system is now also remote controlled by nest. This is also another cost saving exercise as we were finding that the thermostate was being increased and then not turned down prior to leaving which comes at a great cost.

  • We have also installed a WiFi system so all users have access if required, another added benefit to using the hall and there is no charge for this.

  • External Lighting is now in place and is also controlled remotely to ensure no lighting if left on unncessarily.

  • We have installed a new light switch at the entrance to the hall as the lighting was based on the stage. This makes it easier for users to turn the lights on and off.

  • Process and procedures have been written for the Youth Club and funding has been obtained which will be used to buy required equipment. The final stages is to complete DBS Forms.

Safe to say these are the highlights. We have also had some new regular hirers over the last 12 months and we are a busy hall day to day.

Thanks to all the hard work from the committee members supporting to keep the hall running.

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