WOW is all we can say!!!
What a wonderful community event it was in honour and celebration of our Queen's Platinum Jubilee on Sunday 5th June. Despite the downturn in weather and a last minute change of plans for the Walking Market, we came together and hosted the Walking Market in the hall instead.
Attending the Walking Market were around 25 stallholders which were represented by our local community groups and businesses with an opportunity to showcase what they had to offer and by all accounts was a resounding success.
The hall offered refreshments to the crowds and a special thanks to everyone that contributed cakes etc to the stall.
We also saw the official Crowning of our Loggerheads and Ashley King and Queen, attended by parents, grandparents, family and friends and a very special congratulations to Hayden Spencer (King) and Gabriella Wessell (Queen) who were also joined by a number of fabulous attendants.
Thank you to all of the community that supported, donated, bought produce and contributed to the overall atmosphere of the event.
Lastly there a huge amount of thanks and gratitude owed to everyone who was involved in making this event a resounding success including Fiona Rolfe and the amazing community team, the Ashley Memorial Hall Committee that jumped in to support the change in venue last minute, not to mention the wonderful volunteers that also came to the hall in support.
Without all of you, our the community; there is no community event and with this in mind... here are some highlights of the special day...